Saturday, 11 August 2007

¡Votetz [1] Miestrâ!


humbly requests your [1] vote in the election for the Sixth Chamber of Deputies as the candidate of the ZRT, Party of National Unity.


Miestrâ stands for a Talossan speaking nation. Miestrâ wants all citizens - not just those who check Wittenberg regularly - to be kept updated on Talossan business. Miestrâ stands for the unity of all Talossans under a democratic constitution. Love her or hate her, you can't doubt her passion and commitment.


March 2007 – present: Túischac'h (Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies )

May 2005 - March 2007: Minister of Culture

May 2005 - December 2006 : Seneschál of the Talossan Republic

January – April 2005: chair of the Constitutional Convention


May 2007 – present: head of l'Icastolâ, our Talossan-language promotion body

May 2007: arranged and recorded the Republic's national anthem

October 2004 - present: editor of Qator Itrìns, our first and still best journal

Miestrâ's Vision For Our Nation


In the early days of "Talossa online", it was made abundantly clear that Wittenberg was not Talossa - that Talossans had several different ways of keeping in contact with one another and that people you didn't see on Wittenberg were still Talossans.

We need to return to the conception that, just because you do not see someone on Wittenberg they are no longer interested in Talossa. Not every loyal citizen of our Republic has the time or energy to plow through the various Witt forums every day. We have to ensure that these people are given the chance to be true citizens, not just "pocket votes" to be only contacted at election time.

Finally, our website has been allowed to lie fallow for most of this year. Many newcomers and less-active citizens will judge the health of our Republic by the up-to-dateness of our Website.

Therefore, I propose:

  • the Republic's Government should carry out the National Census - now six months overdue - as one of its very first priorities, to find out who precisely is still interested in being a Talossan citizen.

  • the Republic's Government should issue a regular newsletter - preferably weekly - to keep all citizens in touch with recent important news and upcoming events in Talossa. This should go out by email or even snail mail to all citizens on our rolls.

  • the Republic's Government should immediately update our website, and find the labour power to keep it continuously updated in future.

  • Talossapedia should become an officially supported Government project, with all citizens given editing rights.

  • Wittenberg is beginning to show its age. The Republic's Government should reopen investigations into finding new, superior discussion group software, which can be fully administered by the Government of the day. The question of who should host Wittenberg and the national webspace should be investigated thoroughly.

  • The Republic's Government should take the initiatives in organising face-to-face meetings of Talossan citizens, to emphasise that we are a real nation and not an "internet community".


The Talossan language is our greatest treasure, and one of the biggest attractions for new citizens. It must be a government priority. To a large extent, use and popularisation of the language will be the work of the volunteers in l'Icastola. But the Republic's Government should give this work its real and effective support. In general: the job of the Republic's Government should be to ensure that every citizen knows and uses some Talossan, while the job of l'Icastolâ is to ensure that some citizens know and use fluent Talossan.

I propose:

  • that the national website should be fully translated into el glheþ naziunál, as soon as volunteers from l'Icastolâ can find time for the project.

  • the Republic's Government should use the Talossan language as much as possible in its official pronouncements and activities.

  • the Republic's Government should set a goal that all Talossan citizens will be able (although not required) to use basic, conversational Talossan in one year's time.


I believe that the continued split into two Talossan states weakens both sides. The beginnings of the destruction of the Talossan language can be seen in the Abbavilla-based CÚG's discussion of language reforms without input from els Ladîntschen republicáes. But I also realise that popular opinion among those Talossans loyal to the Abbavilla government is - in general - dismissive at best to the Talossan Republic, and many are simply unwilling to listen to us. The majority of monarchist Talossans have joined in the last two years, and their understanding of what Talossanity is is extremely different to that of the Republic's citizen body, some of whom have been involved for up to ten years.

I still maintain that the best long-term solution is political unification of all those who consider themselves Talossan under a single democratic constitution. This will no doubt cost me votes from those who believe that the split in Talossa is a good thing, as well as those who wish unity immediately and are prepared to compromise our democratic principles. But I have never been afraid of unpopularity. The Republic will be damaged if we let ourselves lose the argument over which Talossan state is legitimate, either through conceding to Abbavilla's claims or refusing to contest them.

I propose:

  • the Republic's government must initiate and maintain friendly ties with all Talossans who are loyal to the Abbavilla government who have good will towards the Republic.

  • the Republic's government should act as a source of support and inspiration for those Royalist citizens who wish to reform their own constitution in a democratic direction.

  • on our website and in our immigration material, we should vigorously promote the Talossan Republic's claim to be the rightful heir of the cultural tradition of pre-2004 Talossa, and our pride in our democratic constitution.


Our constitution has stood the test of time and of a thousand political upsets. But several sections of them have lain fallow or virtually unused. We should make a conscious choice as to whether we want to reform or abolish these sections.

I propose a national discussion on the following subjects:

  • whether to revitalise or abolish provincial government;

  • the nature and extent of our land claims;

  • whether the Senäts should become a "house of elders", where long-term Talossans can contribute to the business of government without having to become involved in electoral politics;

  • the role of the President of the Republic, Secretary of State and High Court.


I propose, as a matter of national pride, the adoption of the itrì as the official currency of the Talossan Republic. This should be valued either in precious metal, or in terms of the currencies used by Talossa's nearest neighbours, the United States and the European Union. I support as a long term goal the issuance of convertible Talossan banknotes backed 100% by reserves.


I have no burning desire to take on governmental power again. My main Talossan priority for the forseeable future has to be my duties as head of l'Icastolâ. I would not vote for myself for Seneschál. I would consider a job offer to serve in a government whose policy direction I supported, but would not volunteer for such a role.

The number 1 problem for the Talossan Republic at the moment is the lack of active citizens. Therefore, I will give my confidence vote to the government which has the most credible and concrete plan for doubling (at least) the number of active Talossan citizens within one year's time.


... love her or hate her, she makes things happen.

Contact Miestrâ by email, or read her campaign literature at

Authorised by els Zefençadéirs dàl Repúblicâ Talossan (Tendençù Maxhorità)