Monday, 21 March 2011

SIMCÂ PÎNTS PËR 'N NOUÂ TALOSSA: The PVZT manifesto for the Fourteenth Chamber of Deputies

¡Votetz C. Carlüs Xheráltsëfiglheu për Deputat!

Carlüs has worked hard and well for Talossa for nine months as Seneschál, and he needs a new mandate for a new programme with the PVZT. Here is the plan he will present to the Fourteenth Chamber:

1. Electoral Reform: The current "candidate based" system of voting for the Chamber has been inoperative for quite a while. A PVZT majority will bring back the old Party List system, so Talossans get a clear choice between political alternatives.

2. Legislative Reform: Talossa has too many laws and not enough of them are interesting, operative and relevant. We will go through the Federal Code and the Executive Orders and repeal anything that's useless. We will then start a program of legislation and SOs to declare all manner of things "official" (national car, national food, national entertainer, etc.) so as to expand the definition of what it means to be Talossan.

3. Real Time Talossa: A nation which is only a web forum is a waste of time. We will encourage Talossans to interact in other ways. We will instigate a live Joint Session of Parlamînt (either by Skype or IM), and encourage real-time provincial discussions. We will finally send out the citizenship certificates. We will see about starting a Second Talossan Chess Tournament (and of course invite our Royalist brethren).

4. Federalism: Vibrant provinces mean a vibrant and interesting Talossan Republic. Friendly competition between provincial identities provides an interesting alternative to party politics. We pledge to make the Provincial legislatures active in all those Provinces where we have members, and enact this program on a provincial level where applicable.

5. National Webspace: Our website is currently a confusing mess. However, since it's on a Wordpress platform, it should be easy to amend, once we have someone to take responsibility for it. But first, we will conduct a national survey to see what you, the Republic's citizens, want to see on it.