Saturday, 16 June 2012

The Agreed Programme of the Four Parties

In the run-up to the election for the 44th Cosâ of Talossa, the four opposition parties are proud to announce that they have agreed on a Joint Programme of the Opposition.

This programme was initially drafted by Eðo Grischün of the Common Sense Progressives (CSPP) on the initiative of Miestrâ Schivâ of the Defencists (ZRT). It has also been endorsed by the leaderships of the Moderate Radical Party and the Alliance for Talossan Peculiarism.

All four parties will continue their own independent and competitive campaigns. But we offer this programme as the sign that there is a real practical alternative to the politics of the existing RUMP administration. All parties pledge themselves to attempt to enact this programme by legislation in the next Ziu, regardless of whether we become part of the next government or not. A vote for any non-RUMP party is a vote for this programme.

The Four Planks of the Agreed Programme of the Four Parties

1. Codification of all Talossan statutory law into a single "Kingdom Code", organised by topic, making it much easier to understand.

2. Pre-named lists of candidates for all parties in Cosâ elections, rather than seats handed out after the election.

3. Every Province given the right to choose its own method of electing Senators, whether that be simple plurality, preferential/IRV, or anything else consistent with democracy.

4. 37RZ2, The "what's the difference" Act, forbidding dual citizenship in micronations, to be repealed directly if possible; the whole act to be the subject of a Cort challenge as to its constitutionality, if not.

Signed by:

Xhorxh Asmoûr, for el Aliançéu për Pecúliarismeu Talossán
Glüc da Dhi, for the Moderate Radical Party of Talossa
Eovart Grischün, for the Common Sense Progressive Party
Miestrâ Schivâ, for els Zefençadéirs del Repúblicanismeu Talossán