Wednesday, 3 March 2010

PVZT: vague proposals for reform of Talossa as a whole

Now that our Constitution is being (slowly but surely) massaged into a semblance of workability, the next step will be a total shakeup in the way our Republic operates.

The PVZT declares itself in favour of a process of simplification, in both legal verbiage and administration. Our old website,, has ground to a halt because it's so complex and annoying to understand and to update. Our legal system is more or less ignored for similar reasons.

The PVZT hereby adopts an eighth principle to add to our existing seven: Simplification. "No position of responsibility in our Republic should require significant technical knowledge." Let our website be able to be as updated as easy as a Blogspot site. Let our laws be as easy to understand as the laws of football, or the Standing Orders of the Chamber of Deputies.

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