The Talossan Republic must continue, must thrive, must prove that Republicanism is better than monarchy. Strong leadership is necessary to make this happen - not in the sense of dictatorship or top-down control, but by setting an example of what Talossan patriotism means in practice. For example - if the Constitutional amendments pass, then the President will have the right to hire and fire the Government (the Chamber retaining only the right to fire). I intend to use this against Governments, Ministers and civil officials who are slow and slothful. You want the fancy title, do the work.
The new Constitution also makes it clear that the President is responsible for the defence of the Republic. Friends, that's not just a meaningless phrase suggesting that the Prez wears a tin helmet if someone ever starts a war. At the moment, the biggest enemy of the Republic is apathy and attrition of citizenship. I will appoint and advise a Government which promises to fight these deadly foes by a mixture of (a) stirring up things a bit around here; (b) actively recruiting citizens for the Republic.
Precise plans for this will of course be drawn up in consultation with a Government which has the confidence of the Chamber, but here are some preliminary thoughts: The Free Commonwealth of Penguinea survived and thrived when we were attracting all the greatest micronational leaders as dual citizens, due to the excitement of our political system and culture. Can this happen again? And how can we get inactive or former citizens excited about being Talossan again? Let's make the most of our fancy new website, also.
Talossan politics has become boring and stale since mid-2007, the point where the party system collapsed and political debate ceased. Successive governments have been terrified of controversy. Perhaps now is the time for governments to be deliberately controversial, in order to provoke opposition.
Even my worst enemies will tell you I have the three most important qualities for a Talossan head of state - style, vigour and a pig-headed refusal to admit defeat. Unlike my esteemed opponent, cxhn. Valcádac'h, the adjectives "wishy-washy", "indecisive" or "unnecessarily meek" could never be used in my presence.
Vote YES on the Constitution, and vote MIESTRÂ for President! For the smack of firm government!

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