Friday, 1 March 2013

ZRT Manifesto for the 45th Cosâ Elections

for the 45th Cosâ Elections
click here to download as PDF


Talossa is ready for change. It has been ready for change since quite some time now, ever since that historic event known as “reunision” or “returniture” occurred. I dare say that if Talossa wasn’t ready for change, then the Republic would never have voted to re-join the Kingdom, and the Kingdom would never have been as accommodating.

So, in these times of change it is, without a doubt, that the Talossan people elect responsible facilitators of change – agents of creativity, of rationality and of reform. It is for that reason that I feel I must articulate our message as clearly as possible: if you, the people of Talossa, want a wave of democratic reform to sweep through Talossa, then it is in your interest to see a ZRT majority in the Cosa.

In a year, we’ve achieved a lot, as a party, with some key legislative victories that have seen our proposals benefit from cross party support. It shows that despite our reputation for ‘radicalism’ within Talossa, we are a reasonable party too. It may suit our opponents for us to be characterise us as being a group of foaming-at-the-mouth-radicals, but if you talk to any of our members, if you’ve read any one of our bills you’ll see that we’re as reasonable as the next guy, and ready as ever to change things.

C. Carlus Xheraltescu
ZRT Leader


Vote ZRT for democratic reform, individual freedom and revitalized provinces! The word 'republic' comes from the Old Talossan res publica: a government of the people. It is in this sense that we are republicans – we strive for a people's government. If you want freedom, transparency and accountability, vote ZRT!


A ZRT-led government shall enact the following democratic reforms:

    1. a compulsory secret ballot, rather than the optional one introduced by recent legislation;
    2. mandatory candidate lists for Cosâ elections;
    3. a financial report from the government at the end of each Cosa term, to provide a starting point for the next term's budget;
    4. a programme of "slimming down" the OrgLaw, leaving it with only the basics of government - for example, moving electoral law into statute law.

In addition:

e) the ZRT will support no government which includes members of the RUMP, until such time as the RUMP has been out of government for at least one Cosâ term.

f) the ZRT stands for freedom of political conscience for all Talossans, whether monarchist or republican. All constitutional shades of opinion are welcome in Talossa, and there shall be no political tests for citizenship or for any benefits granted by the Kingdom.


The ZRT will shift power from the Royal Household to the elected Government and Ziu, including the following reforms:

    1. A Talossan Legal Code Act will be implemented in order to codify the Statutory Law into a format that is both easily referred to and ‘articles’ easily located. This job will be taken over by agents of the elected government from the Royal Scribery.
    2. We aim to eliminate everything but the College of Arms from Royal authority. For example, the Chancery will become an independent branch of the State; the Scribery and Archives will come under the elected Government; and the University of Talossa will be devolved to a provincial government.
    3. We shall enact a popular initiative option to remove an incompetent monarch as well as the current Ziu-based one.


A ZRT-led government will:

    1. simply abolish all current legislation on “micronations” and other Talossa-like entities; failing that, support the current MRPT programme for amendment. We do not see that the elected government needs to be bound by law on how it acts towards such entities.
    2. establish a neutral and informative presence on micronational forums, and encourage the Head of State to do a Reddit AMA.


A ZRT-led government will revitalise the provincial governments of Talossa.

At a federal level, we shall:

    1. legislate to allow the Ziu to step in to fill provincial offices, according to provincial law, when it is clear that the stipulations of that province's constitution have been neglected.
    2. legislate that that a single person cannot simultaneously be the head of a provincial government and the Cunstavál of a province.
    3. amend the Organic Law so that the currently unelected position of Cunstavál is replaced with an elected position of the same nature, who will be appointed by the King following their successful election.

ZRT members of provincial legislatures will:

    1. support their provinces to shift to a framework of direct democracy, such as already exists in Fiôvâ and has been suggested for Vuode.
    2. agitate to rename of provinces with the names of foreign politicians, replacing them with Talossan names instead.


A ZRT-led government shall take the following cultural initiatives:

    1. set up a Translator's Corps in consultation with CÚG, to ensure that all important documents are translated into (one of the accepted orthographies of) el glheþ talossán.
    2. Wittenberg will be nationalised. A Wittenberg Administrator shall be appointed by the Head of State every year with the advice and consent of the Ziu. This Administrator would appoint all moderators and be responsible to the Head of State and the elected government for the tone of discourse on Wittenberg.
    3. organise an additional forum on Wittenberg, moderated but open to non-Talossans of good will who wish to engage with us, like the "Landing Pier" on Witt-XII (the former Republican Wittenberg).


Senator from Atatürk
  • Eoin Ursum
Senator from Florenciâ
  • Mximo Carbonel
Members of the Cosa
  • C. Carlüs Xheraltescu
  • Godafrïeu Valcadac'h
  • Moritz Fernaodescu
  • Miestrâ Schivâ
  • Eoin Ursüm
  • Erschéveþ Üchescu
  • Mximo Carbonel


C. Carlüs Xheraltescu: Seneschál, Immigration
Miestrâ Schivâ:
Distáin, Culture
Moritz Fernaodescu :
Foreign Affairs, Defence
Eoin Ursüm :
Stuff, Finance
Evan Cuntáinça:
Home Affairs
Mximo Carbonél:

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