Thursday, 8 March 2007

Independence and Sovereignty

The ZRT is an unapologetically nationalist party. We reject any comparisons of our micronationalism with violent, racist or xenophobic macronationalism. Our nationalism is "operatic"-flamboyantly entertaining and entirely open to everyone who chooses Talossan nationality-regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origins.

We believe that the Republic, now more than ever, is morally speaking a true heir to the spirit of the old Talossa. Not in its rhetorically vicious incarnation, but in its imagination, goofy lack of proportion and fierce pride in its Talossan identity.

We honour the Founding Parents who showed the Talossan people the way forward-away from an archaic past of kings, nobles and constant cleansing of dissident voices. For our country to progress beyond a collection of internet contacts, or offline friends who join the same internet bandwagon, we must emphasise instead the collective wisdom and effort of all of our citizens above that of any particular individual.

The ZRT believes therefore that it is time for the people of the Republic of Talossa to renew their declaration of independence-situating themselves once and for all as a beacon of freedom, equality and solidarity in micronationalism, rejecting all assertions, tacit or otherwise, that we are an illegitimate expression of Talossanity, and reaffirming not only our seperation from Black Hand Talossa, but also our independence from the United States of America and the French Republic, from which our territories have seceeded.

The ultimate goal of the ZRT is to achieve a stable population of approximately 50 citizens. This would ensure sufficient personnel for our governing institutions, while maintaining the "village" atmosphere of our community. This will not be achieved for some time, and we may be criticised by fainter spirits for setting such an ambitious goal. The ZRT believes that with the aid of the tools created by the ZRT Ministry of Information, such as weblog, and the further development of the National Webspace, this goal is both necessary and achievable.

The ZRT believes that a clarification once and for all that Talossan history is also the property of the people of the Republic, as well as a confirmation of the Republic as an ambitious secessionist project in its own right, will act as a magnet for people looking for an entertaining and forward-looking micronational experience.

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