The ZRT believes it is vital for the health of our democracy, as well as being a bit of a laugh, to have a Second Chamber of Parlimînt. The Senats as it was originally conceived was to be a territorial chamber, representing the provinces. Public interest in the provinces, with the exception of Cezembre, has however been disappointing. They are perceived as abstractions or legacies of an older, patronage-laden form of Talossan politics that was more interested in appearance than substance.
The ZRT therefore proposes a reorganisation of local government that will make it stronger, more viable and more powerful than before. In place of the existing system of provinces, we propose that two "departments" be created. Metropolitan Talossa will be composed of all the current North American territories of the Republic. Cezembre will be both a department and a province and will retain its functioning local government. No changes will be made to the current allocation of citizens.
The ZRT proposes to expand the powers of local government making it more relevant and more interesting. This will be done by increasing the number of areas in which federal and local government share responsibility. These would be in domains such as education, social affairs, and the integration of new citizens, as well as the sole exclusive domains of the provinces at the moments, cultural affairs and self-government.
With a functioning system of local government in place the ZRT believes that a Senats should be convened. Representation in the new Senats will be based on the departmental areas, with each department getting one Senator for approximately 6-12 citizens, with each department having at least one Senator.
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